Sunday, May 27, 2012

Gardening When You're Broke

If you want to bring newcomers to your garden, but you're short on cash, one thing you can do is check places where people are giving away plants for free.

A couple months ago, I looked under the "free" section of Craigslist and found an post for free grape hyacinth. This caught my eye because I planted some of these bulbs on my back porch at least a year before. I called the woman listed, and she set aside a grocery bag full of them that she thinned out in her front yard. My mom and I planted them along my fence and also at my front door. They will look much better next spring. It was a neat experience because I got to get free flowers for my garden and meet a fellow gardener. I hope to return the favor.

So before you go out to buy lots of plants, check online to see if someone is giving any away.


  1. Awesome! Grape hyacinth will spread, too, so you'll have lots more over a few years. And I hear moles don't like the smell, so there's extra protection built in!
    Another great way to save money is starting seeds instead of buying plants. I haven't done it yet, but maybe we'll try next year!

  2. That's a great idea! I love it when I can start things from seed, like basil.
