Monday, January 7, 2013

Stew for a Winter Day

I just finished another bowl of some delicious vegetable beef soup for lunch today. I made it with my slow cooker last week and still tastes just as good as the first day I ate it. It was very simple to make, and I encourage you to give it a try. If you want to cook it on low heat, cook it for no more than eight hours. I've made the mistake of trying to do these types of recipes for 10 hours, due to my work schedule, but my roommate was kind enough to turn the heat to warm when she got home. That was the key to making the meat perfectly tender.

If you are short on time for prepping, chop the onions and potatoes beforehand and put them in airtight containers. That way all you have to do is throw them into the slow cooker. You can also measure and mix the spices ahead of time too, but only put two teaspoons of beef buillion in it or else it will be too salty. I was able to avoid that by ready the reviews online. One thing that did differently with this recipe was use vegetable broth instead of water. I like broth more than water in stew because it adds more flavor. So if you want a good winter dish for dinner and leftovers, give this one a try.

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