Summer arrived in Eugene Saturday (on July 23, no less) with a double-dose of sunshine. To celebrate, I went blueberry-picking with my friends Britni and Angel.
Instead of going during the cool morning though, for some reason we decided to go during the hotter part of the day, around 2 p.m. Oh well, it was worth it. We arrived at Green Hill Aire Blueberry Farm to find a few cars lining the rural road off of Royal Avenue and Greenhill Road in northwest Eugene. Apparently we weren't the only ones with the bright idea to satisfy the craving for freshly-picked berries. Britni says it's not truly summer until you go berry picking.
From there you can see some white-capped mountains off in the distance. I think they were the Three Sisters, but I'm not sure.
We were welcomed by some friendly folks who have lived there for about 30 years. They told us they planted the blueberry bushes about 29 years ago. I thought, if the bushes are older than me, they must be good.
And good they were. There were so many tasty blueberries, we could have stayed all day. But then the owners would have had to weigh us before and after we arrived to determine how many berries we actually ate and picked and should therefore pay accordingly.
After guiding pincher bugs and spiders out of our buckets and trying to not to knock off the berries that were still green, we paid for our treats. To our surprise they only charged us for three-quarters of the two-gallon bucket even though the berries were about an inch below the top. But I think we would did pick a full two gallons. We just ate the difference.
I hope we go back again soon. Until then, I need apply plenty of aloe to the sunburn I got and decide what to do with my berries. Muffins perhaps? Or maybe just freeze them and eat them during the next hot summer day. That is if they all make it home without ending up in my stomach :)
Instead of going during the cool morning though, for some reason we decided to go during the hotter part of the day, around 2 p.m. Oh well, it was worth it. We arrived at Green Hill Aire Blueberry Farm to find a few cars lining the rural road off of Royal Avenue and Greenhill Road in northwest Eugene. Apparently we weren't the only ones with the bright idea to satisfy the craving for freshly-picked berries. Britni says it's not truly summer until you go berry picking.
From there you can see some white-capped mountains off in the distance. I think they were the Three Sisters, but I'm not sure.
We were welcomed by some friendly folks who have lived there for about 30 years. They told us they planted the blueberry bushes about 29 years ago. I thought, if the bushes are older than me, they must be good.
And good they were. There were so many tasty blueberries, we could have stayed all day. But then the owners would have had to weigh us before and after we arrived to determine how many berries we actually ate and picked and should therefore pay accordingly.
After guiding pincher bugs and spiders out of our buckets and trying to not to knock off the berries that were still green, we paid for our treats. To our surprise they only charged us for three-quarters of the two-gallon bucket even though the berries were about an inch below the top. But I think we would did pick a full two gallons. We just ate the difference.
I hope we go back again soon. Until then, I need apply plenty of aloe to the sunburn I got and decide what to do with my berries. Muffins perhaps? Or maybe just freeze them and eat them during the next hot summer day. That is if they all make it home without ending up in my stomach :)