If you live in an apartment that has a lot of shade like me, coleus is a great plant to consider. It adds create color and is low maintenance.
Last week, I went to Fred Meyer, and I bought this vibrant plant that grows in partial to full shade. The leaves vary in design, but they are mostly bright green and dark magenta. If you like Star Trek, there's even a variety out there called 'Vulcan'.

Today is the first day of May, and the coleus survived being on my back porch close to the building for the past week, so it was time to plant. I spaced the eight plants a few inches apart from each other to give them room to expand. They can grow up to 10-12 inches and expand outward. I also watered them with a little bit of fertilizer. They are an annual, so if it doesn't work out, I can try something different next year. I hope they last though.