It's almost May, and that means it's time to start planting my garden!
Last year, I had a good run with two red tomato plants, two beds of impatients and a nice flower basket.
This year, things are different. Since crews constructed new, higher fences in my apartment complex, I don't get as much sunlight on the flower/plant beds. So, I'll need to adjust.
Yesterday, I picked up some plants from the OSU Extension Service's plant sale. I bought bush snap peas, red pear tomato and yellow tomato seedlings, and a fern (kind of random, but the fern was only a dollar). Total spent: $7.

Today, I went to Fred Meyer to pick up some potting soil and a couple of blue glazed terra cotta pots. I also bought a few more plants: yellow and red begonia bulbs, some coleus seedlings, and a pink impatient. I thought the impatient would fit in one of my small pots. No such luck. I'll find a space for it later.
Above: This coleus looks similar to the one that I bought.
My goal is to have a lot of color and see if these plants will survive under the new conditions.